
Showing posts from April, 2016

Clearly I Dont Wanna Grow Up

31st January 2016------------------- I remembered it all too well. Every inch of the story, every part of the actors, the co-actors and also the star in the very story of mine. It still fresh in my mind on how some of the crowd were staring at me, on how they're giving me a sympathy look; teary face, red eyes. I knew they were expecting a dramatic gestures, a sinful screamed when i got home. Unfortunately to them, i was too cold and broken and literally dead to even cry and to beg any hug from the crowds. I didnt need those, at. all. I was strong they said, I was happy when i found out he's gone they said, I was not close with him they said I was an ungrateful daughter they said, we were fighting over his money they said. At the very moment of life, where i dont look up into someone's opinion which i prefer dont matter in my life where i finally realized Im already an adult. Im in this cycle, i have passed my phase. I have passed everything that i wish would never